The Forum

The European Well Performance Forum is a great opportunity for industry professionals to discuss the latest technologies, experiences and design principles in quality well construction, in informal surroundings.

The Forum objective is to promote the highest level of well productivity (or injectivity). This is through the execution of optimised drilling, completion and production or injection operations to minimise impairment and achieve quality and fit-for-purpose wells to maximise the flow potential and recovery of hydrocarbons.

The period of low oil prices in recent years has resulted in the requirement for the industry to maximise well productivity whilst reducing the CAPEX and OPEX of development projects.

What will the Forum deliver?

  • Knowledge sharing – targeted presentations by key industry experts
  • Topics relevant to drilling and completion operations plus production and injection wells
  • Extensive discussion and debate through Q&A sessions
  • Exclusive access to the Forum proceedings (if approved for release by the presenter)
  • Access to the associated exhibition – sponsoring companies will showcase their product range and new technologies relevant to well performance

Who will attend?

  • Drilling and Completion Engineers
  • Geologists and Geophysicists
  • Reservoir Engineers
  • Process and Production Engineers
  • Research and Development Geoscientists and Chemists
  • Service Company Engineers and Business Development Personnel
  • Oil and Gas Company Managers

What are the benefits?

  • Leave with a better understanding on how to create more productive wells
  • Network with respected industry experts
  • Discuss new technology and techniques in an informal setting

The challenging environment means that operators need to re-focus on drilling and completion technologies and techniques in order to prevent, diagnose and remediate impairment both in the formation and the well completion itself, in order to achieve the greatest productivity or injectivity.

The Forum will provide attendees with an in-depth discussion of key well productivity subjects. The agenda will include research-based and field-tested industry topics, delivering current and relevant technical knowledge, good practices and experience.


The programme encompasses a wide range of topics, including Drilling, Completion, Injection and Production.

Registration Now Closed

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