Per Sandberg

Per Sandberg is senior advisor in Equinor Low Carbon Solutions, working across Equinor's large portfolio of CCS and hydrogen projects. Sandberg has particular focus on European policy processes. He has earlier led the business development in the Northern Lights project, in which Equinor, Shell and TotalEnergies together develop an open source transport and storage solution for European CO2. In 2015-16, Sandberg had leave of absence from Statoil to lead the secretariat for the Norwegian government’s expert commission on Green Competitiveness, which delivered its report to the prime minister in October 2016. Before that he was Statoil’s Chief of Innovation.  Per has also been managing director at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), leading and delivering the seminal projects Vision 2050 (2010) and Sustainable Mobility (2004). Sandberg has a MScEng in chemical engineering and a PhD on ethical issues of use of genetic information, both from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).


The programme encompasses a wide range of topics, including Drilling, Completion, Injection and Production.

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