Justin Green

Justin Green has a BSc degree in Geology and Petroleum Geology from the University of Aberdeen and has worked for Premier Corex (previously known as COREX) since graduating in 2000. He has worked within the Formation Damage laboratory, geological analysis group, and is currently involved in technical support for operators worldwide as well as laboratory and geological test design, presentation of reports, and delivering training courses. Justin was part of the team which developed a new Micro-CT scanning technique, and co-authored and presented papers on it at the 2012 SPE European Formation Damage Conference, 2017 SPE Bergen One Day Seminar, and 2024 SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control. Justin has been involved in Premier Corex initiatives in new and alternative energy, including presenting a session on coreflood studies during the 2023 SPE/AAPG CCUS conference in Houston.


The programme encompasses a wide range of topics, including Drilling, Completion, Injection and Production.

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