Dr. Vidar Mathiesen

Dr. Vidar Mathiesen is CEO of InflowControl. He has experience from both the service industry, E&P companies and university. He has been Leading Scientist and has extensively experience from innovation, qualification, reservoir management and use of inflow control devices within Hydro and Statoil (now Equinor). Vidar has written a number of publications published in international journals and conferences, he has a number of patents in the field and has received several prestigious innovation awards. He is one of the inventors of both the AICV®, and the Statoil's AICD - the RCP. He was nominated for the World Oil Innovative Thinker Award 2021 and awarded the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate’s OG21 Champion Awards 2023 for outstanding efforts and technological innovations of great importance to the petroleum sector. Mathiesen has a master’s in mechanical engineering and a PhD in multiphase flow from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).


The programme encompasses a wide range of topics, including Drilling, Completion, Injection and Production.

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